Tuesday, September 28, 2010

2nd Administrative Reforms main Issues

1. Organizational Structure of the Government of India 

1.1  Reorganization of Ministries and Departments

        1.1.1 Revisiting and redefining the role of the Ministries and Departments in the context of evolving role of governance and need for greater collaboration. 

1.2 Manpower planning and Process re-engineering.

1.3 Suggest ways to position the administrative services in the modern context of global integration, emergence of markets and liberalisation.

1.4 To examine if the present system of governance is optimally suited to the environment of the times

        1.4.1 To suggest a framework for possible areas where there is need for governmental regulation (regulators) and those where it should be reduced.

        1.4.2 To strengthen the framework for efficient, economical, sensitive, clean, objective and agile administrative machinery.

2. Ethics in Governance

2.1 Vigilance and Corruption:

        2.1.1 Strengthening pro-active vigilance to eliminate corruption and harassment to honest civil servants including, wherever necessary, limiting executive discretion.
        2.1.2 Addressing systemic deficiencies manifesting in reluctance to punish the corrupt.
       2.1.3(a) Identify procedures, rules and regulations and factors which lead to corruption (b) suggest measures to combat corruption and arbitrary decision making, and (c) suggest a framework for their periodical review in consultation with the stakeholders.

2.2 Relationship between Political Executive and Permanent 
Civil Service:
        2.2.1 To suggest improvements in the institutional arrangements for smooth, efficient and harmonious relationship between civil service and the political executive.

2.3 Code of Conduct for different organs of Government. 
        2.3.1 Political Executive, Civil Services, etc.

3. Refurbishing of Personnel Administration

3.1 Review the policy relating to, and all methods of recruitment, training and placement and suggest changes, if required.

3.2. Provide guidelines for enhancing performance of civil servants and its appraisal.

3.3. Improved methods of cadre management focussing on 
career progression, motivation and productivity 

3.4 Strategies for up-gradation of skills and competencies of civil servants and administrative cadres and appropriate interventions for capacity building.

3.5 Linking of performance of Civil Servants and Government personnel to social and economic objectives and outcomes.

4. Strengthening Financial Management Systems

4.1 Capacity building in financial management systems at all levels of Governance, to ensure smooth flow of funds for programmes/ projects, proper maintenance of accounts and timely furnishing of necessary information/ documents for this purpose.

4.2 Strengthening of internal audit systems, to ensure proper utilisation of funds for the purposes/outcomes for which they have been provided, and checking that unit cost of delivery/outcome is as per benchmark developed for this purpose.

4.3 An institutionalised method of external audit and assessment of the delivery and impact of programmes.

5. Steps to ensure effective administration at the State level

5.1 To encourage and promote appropriate changes in State Administration in the governance of the States to achieve envisaged outcomes.

5.1.1 Changes required in the State administration to achieve the objectives.

6. Steps to ensure effective District Administration

6.1 Progressive modernization and transformation of district administration in form and content keeping in mind the centrality thereof in regulating, facilitating and delivering services at the grass-root level.

6.2 Bringing about systemic changes to infuse and sustain vibrancy and responsiveness.

6.3 Streamlining and fine-tuning a comprehensive and accessible public grievance handling and redress mechanism.

6.4 Greater devolution and delegation of functions and resources to the local levels.

6.5 Examine the coordinating and leadership role of the District Officer in developmental activities and enlisting peoples' participation therein.

7. Local Self Government/ Panchayati Raj Institutions

7.1 Improving delivery mechanism of public utilities and civic services with greater citizens' and stakeholders' involvement in such processes

7.1.1 Utilities like water, power, health and sanitation, education etc.

7.2 Empowerment of local self-government institutions for encouraging participative governance and networking.

7.3 To encourage capacity building and training interventions for better performance of local bodies.

8. Social Capital, Trust and Participative public service delivery

8.1 Ways of investing and promoting social capital at all levels of government as an instrument of enhancing governmental effectiveness.

8.2 Improve and strengthen the capability of the administration to proactively partner with local community, particularly in remote areas. 

8.3 Better synergy between the government and the Civil Society Institutions

8.3.1 Increase the people-centric ness of the administrative approaches.

8.4 Ensuring greater involvement of people's representatives and community at large in the conceptualization and execution of programmes.

9. Citizen Centric Administration

9.1 Accountable and Transparent Government

9.1.1 Issues of delegation, accountability and transparency

9.1.2 Move from Processes Accountability to Productivity Accountability and from Transactional to Transformative Governance.

9.1.3 Reduce delays and ensure promptness in delivery of services

9.2 Progressive Interventions to make administration more result oriented.
These interventions, inter-alia, include:

9.2.1 Process Simplification

9.2.2 Target Group Consultations

9.2.3 Flexibility to implementing agencies customised to local needs.

9.3 Strengthening Citizen Centric decision making.
9.3.1 To further empower the citizen through Citizens' Charter etc.

9.4 To facilitate accessibility of user groups to decision-making processes. The operational details, inter alia, may include:

9.4.1 Setting up of Information Facilitation and Solution Centres. 

9.4.2 Augmenting facilities for submission and redress of grievances and providing replies thereto. 

9.4.3 Setting up consultative mechanism for receiving suggestions 

9.5 Freedom of Information

9.5.1 To review the confidentiality classification of government documents specially with reference to the Officials Secrets Act.

9.5.2 To encourage transparency and access to non-classified data.

9.5.3 Disclosure of information and transparency as a supplement to the Right to Information of the citizens.

10. Promoting e-governance

10.1 To reduce red-tape, delay and inconveniences through technology interventions including the use of modern tools, techniques and instruments of e-governance.

10.2 Promote knowledge sharing to realise continuous improvement in the quality of governance.

11. Issues of Federal Polity

11.1 Review the operation of the federal relationship to better the civil service performance

11.1.1 Framework for continuing interaction between Centre and the States.

11.1.2 Harmonise differential conditions of service prevalent across different States for All India Services

12. Crisis Management

12.1 Suggest ways to quicken the Emergency Responses of administration

12.2 Suggest ways to increase the effectiveness of the machinery to meet the crisis situation and enhance crisis preparedness.

13. Public order 

13.1 Suggest a framework to strengthen administrative machinery to 
maintain public order conducive to social harmony and economic development.

13.2 Capacity building for conflict resolution.

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