Sunday, January 16, 2011

Scientists find a possible cause of schizophrenia

Scientists find a possible cause of schizophrenia

  • The Scientists of University of New South Wales claim to have found a possible cause of schizophrenia. 
  • They have found a link between the Schizophrenic condition and trapped brain cells which do not reach the cortex, the outer part of the brain. T
  • he scientists have found that in schizophrenia, brain cells destined for the cortex associated with thinking and other cognitive abilities could get trapped in the layer below. 
  • The lead scientist, Professor Cyndi Shannon Weickert said that this process of neuronal migration to the cortex doesn't stop at birth. It robust in infants and may continue in teenage years and beyond. The scientists hope that they can develop a therapy that encourages the neurons to keep moving to the finish line which would reduce the symptoms or even prevent schizophrenia from developing.
Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by a disintegration of thought processes and of emotional responsiveness.It most commonly manifests as auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking, and it is accompanied by significant social or occupational dysfunction. The onset of symptoms typically occurs in young adulthood, with a global lifetime prevalence of about 0.3–0.7%

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