Friday, February 25, 2011

National Green India Mission approved by the Prime Minister

  • The National Mission for a Green India has been approved by the Prime Minister's Council on Climate Change. The Mission is one of eight missions under India's National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC). The Mission aims to increase the quantity and quality of 10 million ha. of forest area, achieving an annual CO2 sequestration of 50 to 60 million tonnes by 2020.
  • The Mission will also focus on improvement of ecosystem services, including biodiversity, hydrological services and carbon sequestration, and aim to increase forest-based livelihood incomes for 3 million forest dependent families. 
  • In terms of carbon sequestration, the mission aims to reach an annual CO2 sequestration of 50 to 60 million tonnes by 2020, which will increase the share of green house gas (GHG) emissions offset by India's forest and tree cover to around 6 percent as compared to 4.5 percent that would have been offset in the absence of the Mission.  
  • Several key innovations have been proposed in this  Mission that mark a major change in approach from the traditional focus of forestry programmes in the past: 
  1.  Focus on quality of forests: an emphasis on the density of forest cover. 
  2.  Emphasis on Ecosystem services:  non-carbon services like biodiversity, water and improved biomass are recognized as key benefits, along with carbon sequestration 


At a local level, the Gram Sabha will be responsible for facilitating the Mission 

 Landscape-based approach: 
The Mission will tackle forest and non-forested areas at the same time, in areas of 5000 to 6000 hectares at a time. 

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