Thursday, March 8, 2012


  • 'IONS' provides a regional forum through which the 'Chiefs-of-Navy' of all the littoral states of the IOR can periodically meet to constructively engage one another through the creation and promotion of regionally relevant mechanisms, events, and activities. (Within the context of 'IONS', the term 'Chief-of-Navy' is used in a generic sense. Consequently, for such countries as do not possess a formally established 'navy', the term is applicable to the 'head of the principal maritime agency').
  • The primary aim of 'IONS' is to sustain a regionally relevant, consultative forum within which the navies (and/or the principal maritime agencies responsible for maritime security) of the littoral States of the Indian Ocean Region, along with such other relevant maritime entities as may be agreed upon from time-to-time by the members, can discuss issues and concerns that bear upon maritime security, with a view to arriving at agreed courses of action on trans-national issues, based upon a common understanding of the regional maritime security environment.


  1. To promote a shared understanding of issues and concerns relevant to the Indian Ocean Region, which bear upon maritime security.
  2. To strengthen the capability of all nation-states of the Indian Ocean Region to address present and anticipated challenges to maritime security and stability.
  3. To establish and promote a variety of trans-national, maritime, consultative and cooperative mechanisms, designed to address and mitigate maritime security-concerns of the Indian Ocean Region.
  4. To develop interoperability in terms of doctrines, strategies, procedures, organisational and logistic systems, and, operational processes, so as to promote the provision of speedy, responsive, and effective Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster-Relief (HADR) throughout the Indian Ocean Region

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